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Kid's Ministry

Sunday Mornings

10am - Sunday School

11am - Children's Church & Preschool Children's Church


Sunday Nights

6pm - Centershot & Kids on Mission
           Preschool Mission Friends


Wednesday Nights

6:30 - TeamKID & Preschool TeamKID


*Nursery meets for all sessions.

Youth Ministry

Sunday Mornings

10am - Sunday School

11am - Worship


Sunday Nights

6pm - Youth on Mission


Wednesday Nights

6:30 - Ignite Discipleship

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Women's Ministry

My Sister's Table meets monthly as a time of encouragement, discipleship, and missions.  Women of all ages enjoy this time together.


Wednesday Nights

6:30 - Women's Discipleship Bible Study

Senior Adult Ministry

Briensburg’s senior adults are active in all areas of the church from children through programs designed just for their stage of life. Our senior’s enjoy monthly luncheons together. Our senior’s focus is on outreach and ministry and they are involved in touching the lives of countless individuals throughout our community.

Worship Choir Ministry

Worship Choir practices Sunday afternoon at 5pm.  


The choir leads in worship for Sunday morning services and presents a Christmas and Easter musical each year.  Members from youth through senior adult enjoy this ministry together.



Briensburg Baptist Church
892 Briensburg Road
Benton, KY 42025


©2024 by Briensburg Baptist Church

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